Nov 10 2021 Love0 20 years of Sentimente! We celebrate Singles’ Day! Scris de Dating, Matrimonials, What's new celebrates 20 years and also Singles' Day. Singles' Day is celebrated annually on November 11, as a reply to…Read More
Jan 20 2021 Love19 How to begin a conversation Scris de Dating, What's new There are times when we simply can't find the right words. Creating the perfect sentence might be a little tricky,…Read More
Jan 13 2021 Love13 Blue Monday – the saddest day of the year Scris de Dating, What's new What’s Blue Monday? Blue Monday is a name given to the 3rd Monday in January. It is considered to be…Read More
Dec 09 2020 Love8 How to improve your love life in 2021 Scris de Dating, What's new Since the beginning of the year, it seems like our love life fell to second place. 2020 was the year…Read More
Nov 18 2020 Love1 Your soulmate. How and whem you can foud it? Scris de Dating, What's new I'm here to tell you not to give up. There is no law that says you will find your soulmate…Read More
Oct 27 2020 Love1 How can you tell if they like you? Scris de Dating, What's new Imagine that you really like someone, but you don't know if they feel the same way about you. I bet…Read More
Oct 06 2020 Love1 How does a healthy relationship looks like? Scris de Dating, What's new Healthy relationships reveal the best in you and should make you feel good, both physically as well as spiritually. A…Read More
Sep 29 2020 Love1 Bored? Here’s what you can do…in two Scris de Dating, What's new Let's be realistic: after so many months locked inside the house or with all the restrictions, everyone needs a little…Read More
Sep 09 2020 Love6 What really hides behind the fear of commitment Scris de Dating, What's new It may have happened to you or to a loved one...and every time we hear similar versions of the same…Read More
Aug 26 2020 Love26 9 questions you should ask before going out on a date Scris de Dating, What's new While the Video and Audio Call has given us a new way to meet and find our other half, it's…Read More